Urbit DevelopersCommunity


Our community is comprised of individuals, all of whom happen to be pretty friendly. Here’s a list of prominent groups and figures you’ll likely encounter that are open to being contacted.

Urbit Foundation

Anthony Arroyo

~poldec-tontegDirector of the Combine

Josh Lehman

~wolref-podlexExecutive Director

N.E. Davis

~lagrev-nocfepDirector of Developer Experience

Ted Blackman


Core Developers

Edward Amsden


Joe Bryan

~master-morzodSenior infrastructure engineer, Tlon


~palfun-foslupSoftware engineer, Tlon

Michael Bensemann

~tinnus-napbusDeveloper, Urbit Foundation

Peter McEvoy

~fanfun-mocbudDeveloper, Tlon

Philip Monk

~wicdev-wisrytCTO, Tlon

Pyry Kovanen

~dinleb-rambepDeveloper, Urbit Foundation

Additional Community Members


~timluc-miptevCEO of Uqbar

Kenny Rowe

~sicdev-pilnupRepresentative, Dalten Collective

Developer Mailing List

Active contributors to urbit can be be found in conversation around new releases on urbit-dev, our Google group and developer mailing list.